When wet, sticky, or frozen material clinging to your dump vehicle is the problem, Cougar's line of compact, lightweight truck vibrators is the answer.
Our complete line of rugged, durable Truck Vibrators are tightly sealed against dirt, dust, and water for long life in extreme conditions. Shielded oversized, permanently lubricated ball bearings assure exceptional service life. High-speed, low-amp electric motors keep size and weight to a minimum for easy, low-cost installation. And Cougar Truck Vibrators bolt to a mounting plate welded to the frame to maximize vibration effectiveness.
Cougar Truck Vibrators Also:
- Increase productivity - Since carry-back is practically eliminated, more payload can be hauled on each cycle. More material hauled means fewer cycles to move a given amount of material. That translates to lower labor and fuel costs, and reduced vehicle wear. With Cougar vibrators, dump times are also faster, and material is more evenly distributed when spreading. Labor costs may be further reduced since the need for an employee to clean out truck beds may be completely eliminated.
- Reduce common causes of equipment damage - Extra strain on hydraulic components from lowering half-full beds is eliminated. Operators wonít need to bang the tailgate to loosen material. Drivers don't need to slam the brakes or "pop" the clutch to loosen the load minimizing the potential for damaging critical components. And there is no need to clean out the bed with a backhoe or other equipment that can scar the bed and create even more places for material to stick.
- Reduce risks associated with dumping and spreading cohesive materials - Cougar Truck Vibrators help keep the operator inside the cab and off the back of the truck.Truck vibrators can also facilitate material flow to minimize possible tip over during spreading or dumping.