INNOTAG High capacity spreader

The new INNOTAG optimized large capacity spreader
Combining the know-how and the reliability of the New Leader spreaders with the high precision technology of Ag leader®, INNOTAG optimized these equipements for growers spreading 1000 to 5000 tons/year of fertilizer/lime. A fertilizer application as low as 50 lbs per acre can be made at 70 feet width. This spreader can also be used to apply lime upon 2 tons per acre at  20 km/h speed. The tank is emptied with a rubber conveyor and is installed on a frame to facilitate spreading in post-emergence. The frame designed by Innotag can integrates a weighing system. The conveyor and the swivels are supplied by hydraulic engine what makes possible fluctuating or fixed rate applications. The equipment from AgLeader® such as the data acquisition and control of the overlapping will enable you to maximize your spreading and then to reduce your cost of production. Available in version 12' and 13' length.

new Leader remorque